

The Board of FCG Fonder AB has adopted a renumeration policy according to applicable law and regulations. The policy aims to promote a sound risk management and sets out principles for how renumeration for the Company’s personnel shall be determined and paid. The policy was updated on February 9th 2021. The size and internal organization of the company as well as the nature, scope and complexity of the undertaking has been taken into account in the development of the renumeration policy.

In short, the Company’s renumeration system shall be designed to promote a sound and efficient risk management, and should not encourage excessive risk-taking, nor counteract the Company’s business strategy, goals, values, sustainable risk management, and long-term interest as well as the fund’s risk profile and fund rules. The renumeration policy and its implementation may not prevent the company from acting in the best interest of the fund shareholders.

A paper copy of the renumeration policy can be obtained free of charge from the management company.

Information about the remuneration policy and payments that have been made can be found in the annual reports of the funds.

Read the document in full (above right)