Legal information

Legal information

We have published legal information related to FCG Fund Management’s business. Please contact us if you have any further questions, here.


Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money that is invested in the fund can both decrease and increase in value and it is not certain that the investor will get back all the deposited capital. A fund with risk classes 6-7 can both shrink and increase significantly in value, due to its composition and the management methods used. We recommend that you take note of the fund’s fact sheet, information brochure and fund regulations before investing.

Our values

We help our customers achieve their long-term and strategic goals by providing the entire infrastructure around the funds such as domicile, administration, shareholder registers, risk control and regulatory compliance. We combine in-depth industry experience with specialized and company-specific knowledge. Our long experience of practical work within banking, mutual funds and securities companies guarantees a business-oriented approach to the issues we face.


FCG works to redefine the finance industry to the benefit of business, people, and society. We believe that sustainability is an integral part of our mission and that the finance industry can be part of the solution to the challenges we collectively are facing.

At FCG, we think of sustainability in broad terms. To us, sustainability is about protecting the environment and working towards the goal of a low-carbon economy as well as providing our co-workers with a work environment which is sustainable in the long-run. Furthermore, we realize the importance of good governance and accountability within the finance industry and believe that by promoting this we increase the publics trust in financial institutions and make the industry more sustainable.

Our portfolio managers have been given discretionary mandate to manage the funds that FCG Fonder offers. This means that each portfolio manager evaluates and chooses if, and if so how, they will integrate sustainability risks into the investment process taking the possible effects on the return into consideration. Information on sustainability risks and the methods used when making investment decisions can be found in the respective Prospectus of the fund.

FCG Fonder does at the moment not consider the adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors.

Read more about how we work with sustainability here (Swedish)