All our funds are now open for trade

FCG Funds have today decided to re-open the funds Quesada Ränta, Quesada Yield, Quesada Balanserad och Quesada Bond Opportunity for trading. We have, since the closing of the funds last week, been monitoring the bonds market and have been able to see a stabilization of the prices. To close funds is a difficult decision but it is also an important … Read More

Selected Funds closed for trading

Due to the current illiquid situation on the Swedish bond markets we will not be able to mark a large portion of the holdings of some of our funds, and therefore not be able to calculate the Net Asset Value of these funds as per the 19th of March 2020. To protect the unit holders of the fund we have … Read More

FCG Fonder merges funds from Luxembourg to Sweden

FCG Fonder AB (“FCG Fonder“) has successfully completed the merger of a number of funds from Luxembourg to Sweden. FCG Fonder has merged both UCITS and non-UCITS funds during the fall and winter of 2019/2020. The merger between SEF – Penser Dynamisk Allokering (ISIN: LU1232458221) and Penser Dynamic Allocation (ISIN: SE0012990596) has been completed per 21st of January 2020. The … Read More

FCG Fund Management recruits new COO

FCG Fonder has recruited Mr. Mats Tornell as COO whom will commence his work on the 13th of January 2020. Mats has over 20 years of experience from the financial sector and leading teams. Most recently, Mats worked at FIS Global where he headed their Nordic professional service offering related to Trading Systems. He is also well known for his … Read More

FCG Fund Management has signed first two customers in Norway

FCG Fund Management has signed their first two Norwegian asset managers to become clients during 2020. FCG Fund Management has worked intensely with establishing our concept in the Norwegian market and can now see the results. The two new clients have very insightful and attractive investment approaches which are in the forefront of analytics and screening. FCG Fund Management sees … Read More

FCG Fonder and Swedbank launch exclusive fund service partnership

FCG Fonder AB (“FCG Fonder“) and Swedbank AB (“Swedbank“) have launched an exclusive partnership in providing fund services. FCG Fonder and Swedbank will offer an integrated offer to customers who are looking for a comprehensive solution for their fund management. Within the framework of the collaboration, FCG Fonder will act as fund company and AIF manager, and Swedbank will act … Read More

FCG:s nyhetsbrev november 2019 (Swedish)

Värdepapper & Fond Förslag om ändringar i reglerna om straff för marknadsmissbruk Regeringen har lagt fram en proposition med förslag till skärpningar av de straffrättsliga reglerna om marknadsmissbruk. De föreslagna ändringarna innefattar dels förslag om ändring av vilka finansiella instrument som omfattas av regelverket. En utvidgning föreslås så att regelverket ska tillämpas även på finansiella instrument vilkas värde är beroende … Read More

Veronica Sommerfeld ny Head of Legal and Compliance på FCG Fonder (Swedish)

FCG Fonder är glada över att kunna meddela att Veronica Sommerfeld ansluter till oss i rollen om bolagets Head of Legal and Compliance. Veronica kommer närmast ifrån den nordiska fastighetsutvecklings- och fondförvaltningsaktören Areim, och har tidigare innehaft ledande positioner hos bland andra PWC, Erik Penser AB samt arbetat med tillståndsfrågor och internationella arbetsgrupper hos Finansinspektionen. “Jag ser verkligen fram emot … Read More

FCG Fonder ingår samarbetsavtal med TRAC Services AS (Swedish)

TRAC Services AS är ett bolag som levererar handels-, rapportering och förvaringstjänster för finansiella produkter (depåtjänster) till kunder i Norden. Avtalet medför att FCG Fonder och dess förvaltare får möjlighet att distribuera fonderna direkt till privatpersoner i Sverige och Norge. “FCG Fonder ser distribution som en viktig byggsten för att kunna hjälpa våra kunder att växa”, säger FCG Fonders VD … Read More

FCG opens offices in Finland!

Nordic Risk & Compliance experts FCG Risk & Compliance, opened their Helsinki office on February 1st. The Finnish team will initially be led by Pekka Pykäri, and supported by more than 200 Nordic colleagues. “We are confident that Pekka, with his profile and enthusiastic approach, can continue FCG’s journey now into Finland, with the support of the entire FCG group”, says … Read More