FCG / ERBJUDANDE / SPECIALISTOMRÅDEN / Complaint handling procedure

Complaint handling procedure

Complaint handling procedure

How do I submit a complaint?

Your opinion is important

FCG Fonder strives to always improve our products and services. An important part of that work is to take dissatisfied customers’ complaints seriously, partly to be able to guarantee the customers’ opportunities to have their interests met and partly to be able to maintain public trust in FCG Fonder.

Submit a complaint to FCG Fund Administration first

If you are dissatisfied with FCG Fonder’s management of a given assignment you should first submit a complaint to FCG Fund Administration. You can reach FCG Fund Administration via email at fondadmin@Fcgfonder.se.

If you are still not happy

If, after submitting the complaint to FCG Fund Administration, you are still dissatisfied you have the possibility to take the matter to the Complaints Officer at FCG Fonder. The complaint should be submitted in writing by letter or email. In the complaint you should describe in detail what you are dissatisfied with and what has happened. Attach any documents you have. Also state the correction or compensation you demand.

The complaint should be submitted to one of the following:

By letter addressed to:

FCG Fonder

Att: Klagomålsansvarig
Östermalmstorg 1
114 42 Stockholm

By email to: mats.tornell@fcgfonder.se. In the subject line write “Att. Complaints Officer.

FCG Fonder’s aim is to respond to complaints as promptly as possible. Complaints are normally responded to within 14 days after the complaint has been received by the complaints officer at FCG Fonder. If we are not able to solve the complaint in due course, we will keep you informed about further handling of the complaint.

Independent guidance and advice outside FCG Fonder

You have the possibility to get free advice from The Swedish Consumers’ Banking and Finance Bureau. See www.konsumenternas.se. You can also turn to the consumer advisor in your municipality. If your complaint is rejected by the complaints officer at FCG Fonder you have the possibility to have the matter tried by the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN), or before a court of general jurisdiction. See www.arn.se for more information about The National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN). You also have the possibility to submit a complaint to ARN through The European Online Resolution platform.