Owner excersise

Owner excersise

According to our ownership policy, we shall continuously monitor relevant business events, but as a rule do not have the ambition to exercise ownership, which aims to directly influence the management of a relevant company. It follows that, as a rule, we should not actively engage in the company’s choice of strategies, business orientation or other such issues, other than if they are actualized in connection with company acquisitions or transfer of business lines. However, in our ownership role we shall always work to ensure that companies, especially where the funds belong to the larger owners and / or we consider it to be essential for the funds’ returns, act in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and otherwise according to good practice in the stock market.

FCG Fonder has adopted a policy for shareholder engagement that describes the voting behavior of FCG Fonder in the funds’ portfolio companies (link above to the right). During the past year, the company has not participated in any vote.