Best execution

Best execution

FCG Fonder AB (” the Fund Manager”) is required, to ensure that the best interest of the unitholders is safeguarded at all times, to strive to provide the best possible result when executing orders and/or placing orders with other parties on behalf of the funds.

The Board of FCG Fonder AB has adopted a Policy on how to attain best possible result when the Fund Manager, or other parties via outsourcing, execute portfolio management transactions or place orders on behalf of the funds. The internal rules take several factors into account such as price, cost, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size and nature as well as other relevant circumstances that are important for the execution of the trade. When assessing the individual importance of each factor the Fund Manager shall also take the Fund’s investment strategy and goals, risk profile, the nature of the trade and the character of the financial instrument into account, as well as the trading venue.

When executing portfolio management transactions or placing orders the Fund Manager will normally allot the total price of the trade the most relevance. The total price includes the price of the financial instrument and the costs relevant to the trade. In some cases the nature of the trade and the character of the financial instrument and the trading venue may supersede the relative importance of the price. For example if you have a large trade order, or a trade order with particular trading instructions, then these factors may be more important for the execution and settlement of the trade than the total price. It is also important for the Fund Manager to assess whether the trade order due to size or type may have a significant impact on the market and thus needs to be handled with due care.

When the Fund Manager delegates the portfolio management of a fund to an external portfolio manager, and thus also the management of portfolio transactions, the Fund Manager ensures before any agreements are signed that the delegate has adopted rules on best execution/best possible result in accordance with the applicable regulations. Our internal Asset Management function regularly follows up on the external portfolio managers management of the funds and how they apply the principles on best execution, and then report the results to the Fund Manager CEO and Board.

Unitholder may at request obtain a copy of our Policy on attaining best possible result when executing and allocating portfolio management transactions and client orders and placement of orders.

Should you wish to know more about the management of our funds you can contact us at fondadmin@fcgfonder.se, or at +46(0)8 410 759 10.

This information was last updated in October 2020.