FCG Fonder merges funds from Luxembourg to Sweden

FCG Fonder AB (“FCG Fonder“) has successfully completed the merger of a number of funds from Luxembourg to Sweden. FCG Fonder has merged both UCITS and non-UCITS funds during the fall and winter of 2019/2020.

The merger between SEF – Penser Dynamisk Allokering (ISIN: LU1232458221) and Penser Dynamic Allocation (ISIN: SE0012990596) has been completed per 21st of January 2020. The result of the merger means that the SEF – Penser Dynamisk Allokering has been absorbed into the new fund Penser Dynamic Allocation.

FCG Fonder also see several potential clients that are looking to bring their funds to the Swedish domicile.

“This is both confirmation that we can offer a competitive service, but it also proves that more and more managers see the benefits of a Swedish domicile. For example, costs and taxes are higher in Luxembourg, something that Swedish customers need to pay if the funds choose a foreign domicile rather than the Swedish”, says Thomas Nilsson, CEO of FCG Fonder.

For enquiries, please contact: CEO, Thomas Nilsson, thomas.nilsson@fcgfonder.se, +46766350508.

FCG Fonder is a Swedish fund company (UCITS) and AIF Manager (known as Super ManCo) with authorization from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, founded in 2014. FCG Fonder offers a comprehensive fund management offering aimed at the Nordic market. FCG Fonder currently manages about SEK 16 billion distributed over 40 funds. FCG Fonder’s enabling customers to focus on their core business activities by offering a business model including fund management, administration, asset management and outsourcing of risk control functions.